Friday, December 18, 2009


I often tell myself to not look at people as what color they are or where they are from and i realized that even though i as trying to not do that i still often look at people by there race. It all turns out that this is how i have learned to think growing up in this society. I sometimes look at people and put them in a certain group just because of there skin color. Often this is in my unconsciousness of me. knowing that its not right to judge people by their appearance, physical body features, and the way they act, many of us still do this without knowing that we are doing it. The way we are raised in this society is what makes us have this unconsciousness racism in us. People all around us influence us from the moment we are brought into this world. For example, when black people hate the white people for being racist against them, it makes the blacks just as racist for hating on the white people. But either way its not right for both colors to hate each other just because they may have different skin colors.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

economic mobility

After playing Monoply in class today, I saw how big of a difference it could be just by what you are born into the world with. Even though it was just a game, I tried to look at it like in a real life situation. For example, for people who have money in this world. If they end up in jail, they could just easily bail themselves out like in the game where you could pay a fine. But if you were born into a lower class it probably be a lot harder for you or your family to bail yourself out. On top of that there is also court fees, paying for a lawyer, and maybe even probation fees. Just like in the game I started off being the second riches, so it wasn't to bad at all since I had a lot of extra money to spend. But for the guy who was the Iron struggled the whole game and ended even owing a lot of money to others who were also playing the game. If this was in a real life situation the man owing money could end up homeless, in jail, or maybe something even worse could happen. But I guess even if you started out with nothing by really trying hard in life you can do anything or be anything you want. I know this is true because my parents came to the United States with not a lot at all to start off with, they didn't speak any english and both of them have never gone to high school. Now they own a home and is giving me the opportunity to have a good education that they never got the chance to experience growing up.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


After watching even a little part of the movie in class, I learned and started to think how much someone will think of you just by what you have, how you act, and where you live. It is so amazing that we all grow up not really realizing we buy and want different things base on how and where we are raised. You are also put in a class just by who your friends are. One other thing that i experience from having different groups of friends is that i am treated looked at very differently when we go out in public or even at school. If i am hanging with a group of friends that dress a little less formal aka ("ghetto" or baggy clothes), people look at us like we are up to know good. but when i am with my other group of friends with dress in a nice shirt or a polo when we go out to public people don't look at us like when i am with the other group. I think that people shouldn't just judge people by what people have, how much money people got, and what other people are wearing. And everyone should care a lot less about what other people thinks and start thinking for themselves.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My expeirence in jail

When i first got to the Lake County jail i was finger printed on this new automatic machine. Then i waited in the bullpen(processing room). This is when you wait to get ur bracelet with ur picture and bar code on it. After finally being put in a cell all by myself, all i herd in the cell was the air blowing through the went. One i was in the cell by myself around 12 pm just like the guy in the show we watched i couldn't sleep no matter how i lay there. It was also freezing in the cell and the blanket was thinner then my shirt, this made it a lot harder to sleep too. Since i couldnt sleep i thought about a lot things. i thought about all the people i have hurt especially my mother. In my head i kept on saying to myself that how dumb i was to get into what i was doing. I had thoughts of things just racing through my head, i couldnt even control it. The last thing is that the food was probably just as bad as picking out of the garbage. The most interesting thing that i saw during that day and a half period was in the holding cell where a homeless man was so happy to be in jail. while in the holding cell he told me "tonight i am going to sleep like a baby". The whole expeirence of those two days made me a whole new person and the way i think of life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reebox Tone Toning Shoes

After learning about how girls are not respected in the media, i saw a video that relates a lot to what we talked about in class. Reebok came out with these shoes called Reebok tone toning shoes. The shoes are suppose to help you tone and burn your legs but in the commercial they talk about making your butt bigger. As the girl is explaining that to the camera man, the camera man is aiming at her butt. This is like what we talked about how girls are portrayed in the media.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

what is a real man?

Why should a dude be called a man just because he has a lot of muscle on him. I think a real man is someone who is respected for the good things he has done not because of his size and who he can beat up. I real man shouldn't care about what another person has to say about him. If someone says sometime that offends you, a MAN would just brush it off and ignore it rather then getting in the other guys face and wanting to fight. Over the years i have realize to that being a man is not all about fighting. Starting freshman year i use to want to fight who ever talked bad about me behind my back. Now it was not a big deal at all to me, someone can talk all the smack they want behind my back because it isnt hurting me . the only thing the person that is talking about me is accomplishing is making themselve look stupid.

A girl

What is a average girl? In my mind i thnk that every girl shouldn't have to stress over what they are going to wear in the morning when they wake up. That should be the last thing girls have to worry about. Also make up should be the something for going out to a nice dinner or a big event not for school. I think that every girl are pretty in their own way. they shouldn't have to think they should look like that girl they saw on a t.v. show. I think a beautiful girl/women is someone who can be their natural self as a human. They should leave their body the way it is.

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Am lIke Beavis

Beavis vs. Barbie

Every year in some class i feel that i am treated like Beavis. Sometime i ask teachers if they like some students more then other and they tell me no every students are equal. i often question that answer a lot. I see all the time that some teachers like one student more then me. i feel that some teachers give the students they like higher grades then the ones they dislike. i grew up and went to school where grades are very important but i have overcome that. i realized grades are not so important. what is important to keep in mind is wat i am actually learning and how i am applying it to the real world. Yeah grades are important but not how some people make it seem like at stevenson. a grade is just a letter. I rather be happy and not stressed out with a 2.4 gpa then always stressed out and have a higher gpa then 2.4.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I think it is impossible to stand there and do nothing. Something was always distracting me when i tried to stand there for ten min. to do nothing. i was standing in the middle of the mats at practice and it was very hard to do nothing since my coach was screaming at me the whole time. while trying to do nothing i saw some pretty interesting stuff. Everyone is born use to doing soemthing and we are so use to it that everyone can't just do nothing. i also realized that people love to just look at you if your doing nothing and they look at you like your crazy in the head and you need some serious help.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Americans are not afraid to show love or receive it. In china students who are still in school is not allowed to show affection towards each other. In school you would get in trouble if you are seen holding another guys hand. in the u.s. we all start liking one another at a very young age. It is also not a big deal to parents if their own child is dating another families in the u.s.. Until a year ago my parents were not comfortable with me dating girls at this young of age. I don't think americans are afraid to show and receive love. They develop to love each other at a very youg age.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Having the chance to live in two countries, i have two different ways of looking at life. i value the traditions that i have learned from my families but at the same time i have also learned some american values. I think as a world though, we all value respecting ones who are older then us or just people in general. Althoough the cultures in china compared to the United States is a big difference, somethings will overlap or have some similarities. i think in the past years i have learned to be a individual and be able to work together as a team with a group of people when a group task is provided. At the same time i may be working in a group but at the same time i am thinking about what am i going to get out of it as a individual. The class discussion got me thinking a lot about what really makes me who i am. I feel that because there are so so many things that i want in the world, it makes me work harder in life to get what i want. That is what drives me to get up everyday and go to school to put some effort in. If there weren't all these wants i would be a lazy kid sitting at home on the couch eating as much food as possible.

Friday, September 25, 2009

moving to a new place

I moved to the U.S. when i just turned ten years old. Moving here was a huge change for me since i didnt know any english at the time. Getting use to the culture here was very hard but eventually i got use to doing things differently. Having English as my second language is so difficult sometimes to understand some of the things i read. I still have a hard time reading english in classes. i remember that the coolest thing was finding that one day out of the year in the U.S. you could go from door to door and get cnady for free also known as Halloween. This was so cool because at the time i was a little kid and thought that getting free candies was the coolest thing in the world.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Collogero or also known as "C" belongs to many groups. He is in a group with all his friends who he grew up with. He considered all those boys were his friends even though Sonny has asked him to not be around those boys. Sonny also told him that those boys were up to no good and will only bring him trouble. The other group that C belonged to was Sonny's crew. C's pop has always told him that Sonny is no goood to him when C was a little kid. His dad always tried to keep him away from the barbecause he always told him that the bar is truoble. These are the two groups that he is in. Growing up C was influenced the most by his dad and Sonny. Those were probably his two roll modles. If i had to put myself into a group i probably couldn't tell you what group i belonged to. In schoool i have many groups i hang out with and same as out of school. There isn't really one group of friends i hang out with more then other groups. Not only i hanbg out with stevenson kids i also hang with friends from other schools. I was always told by people like C was to not hang out with certain groups. I learned most of my values from my mom since my dad was never really there. C is very lucky to have two guy figures to guide him along. I've learned to listen to people who are older then you after getting arrested because they have been through more in life then i have. Before i got arrested i always thought that the way i do things is the best way but that has changed.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

no gym shoes or gym shoes

i thought it was every interesting to see what some of the resasons were. after doing wat we did in class with the gym shoes activity, it made me realize how loyal i can get with certain things i own. i am like that with alot of things that i own or i do. i wish sometimes i could realize how judgementle i could get. The poem we read in class kind of relate to the gym shoes no gym shoes activity because the lady automatically thought the guy was stealing her cookies but really he was sharing.

Friday, September 4, 2009

i was the millionaire dude on the boat. if it was in real life i think i could have argued and stayed on the boat. i really think the able bodied sailor should have been kicked off and the divorced four times would have been a better choice for her to stay.i thought the whole thing we did overall was alot of fun because the whole class got to see how everyone would act if we were really in that situation.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where to go for communtiy service?

Last year when ever I had time free I went to this place called sunrise by SHS. Sunrise is a assisted living for older people. it is alot of fun hanging with the older people and talking to them. I have alot of fun going there on my free time because it is so much fun learning about things they have experienced. Also, last year i was asigned to do 100 hours of community service by court order. So if anyone is waiting to do their community service hours starts doing them now bacause they are actually alot of fun.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Who am I? My friends and teachers call me Jimmy. I was born in China and moved to the U.S when I was ten years old. I love trying new things and meeting new friends. Moving to the United States was a huge change for me but I got used to living here real fast. One thing I love doing is being with all my friends and "kickin it back" with them. One thing you will always see me doing is texting on my phone. I am always on the go and have to be moving around because the time that I spend sitting down and doing nothing I could be getting something done. I believe that there is no such thing as normal. My favorite activities to do on my free time are snowbaording, playing lax, training for MMA and flirting with all the girls in the world.

Normal is just a way of excluding others who may be different in their own way, so
I don't like to believe that there is a such thing as normal and I don't like to judge people who may look different from the cover. I may have a different view on someone but not until I have took my time to know who they are.