Friday, September 25, 2009

moving to a new place

I moved to the U.S. when i just turned ten years old. Moving here was a huge change for me since i didnt know any english at the time. Getting use to the culture here was very hard but eventually i got use to doing things differently. Having English as my second language is so difficult sometimes to understand some of the things i read. I still have a hard time reading english in classes. i remember that the coolest thing was finding that one day out of the year in the U.S. you could go from door to door and get cnady for free also known as Halloween. This was so cool because at the time i was a little kid and thought that getting free candies was the coolest thing in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, JImmY? Halloween was the same example I gave in class! I would love to hear more about your transition to American culture or even cultural differences between you and your family.
