Thursday, November 5, 2009

what is a real man?

Why should a dude be called a man just because he has a lot of muscle on him. I think a real man is someone who is respected for the good things he has done not because of his size and who he can beat up. I real man shouldn't care about what another person has to say about him. If someone says sometime that offends you, a MAN would just brush it off and ignore it rather then getting in the other guys face and wanting to fight. Over the years i have realize to that being a man is not all about fighting. Starting freshman year i use to want to fight who ever talked bad about me behind my back. Now it was not a big deal at all to me, someone can talk all the smack they want behind my back because it isnt hurting me . the only thing the person that is talking about me is accomplishing is making themselve look stupid.


  1. I agree with you when you said that being a real man is not about size or ability to beat people up. I judge a man on the good things he has done in his life and what kind of person he is. I hope that guys understand that, in the long run, girls look for a good-hearted honest man, not a man with bulging muscles.

  2. being a man has nothing to do with how strong you are physically. its about who you are inside and how you show it on the outside to the people around you. being a man means not being afraid to change the way people think about masculinity in this society
