Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Having the chance to live in two countries, i have two different ways of looking at life. i value the traditions that i have learned from my families but at the same time i have also learned some american values. I think as a world though, we all value respecting ones who are older then us or just people in general. Althoough the cultures in china compared to the United States is a big difference, somethings will overlap or have some similarities. i think in the past years i have learned to be a individual and be able to work together as a team with a group of people when a group task is provided. At the same time i may be working in a group but at the same time i am thinking about what am i going to get out of it as a individual. The class discussion got me thinking a lot about what really makes me who i am. I feel that because there are so so many things that i want in the world, it makes me work harder in life to get what i want. That is what drives me to get up everyday and go to school to put some effort in. If there weren't all these wants i would be a lazy kid sitting at home on the couch eating as much food as possible.

Friday, September 25, 2009

moving to a new place

I moved to the U.S. when i just turned ten years old. Moving here was a huge change for me since i didnt know any english at the time. Getting use to the culture here was very hard but eventually i got use to doing things differently. Having English as my second language is so difficult sometimes to understand some of the things i read. I still have a hard time reading english in classes. i remember that the coolest thing was finding that one day out of the year in the U.S. you could go from door to door and get cnady for free also known as Halloween. This was so cool because at the time i was a little kid and thought that getting free candies was the coolest thing in the world.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Collogero or also known as "C" belongs to many groups. He is in a group with all his friends who he grew up with. He considered all those boys were his friends even though Sonny has asked him to not be around those boys. Sonny also told him that those boys were up to no good and will only bring him trouble. The other group that C belonged to was Sonny's crew. C's pop has always told him that Sonny is no goood to him when C was a little kid. His dad always tried to keep him away from the barbecause he always told him that the bar is truoble. These are the two groups that he is in. Growing up C was influenced the most by his dad and Sonny. Those were probably his two roll modles. If i had to put myself into a group i probably couldn't tell you what group i belonged to. In schoool i have many groups i hang out with and same as out of school. There isn't really one group of friends i hang out with more then other groups. Not only i hanbg out with stevenson kids i also hang with friends from other schools. I was always told by people like C was to not hang out with certain groups. I learned most of my values from my mom since my dad was never really there. C is very lucky to have two guy figures to guide him along. I've learned to listen to people who are older then you after getting arrested because they have been through more in life then i have. Before i got arrested i always thought that the way i do things is the best way but that has changed.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

no gym shoes or gym shoes

i thought it was every interesting to see what some of the resasons were. after doing wat we did in class with the gym shoes activity, it made me realize how loyal i can get with certain things i own. i am like that with alot of things that i own or i do. i wish sometimes i could realize how judgementle i could get. The poem we read in class kind of relate to the gym shoes no gym shoes activity because the lady automatically thought the guy was stealing her cookies but really he was sharing.

Friday, September 4, 2009

i was the millionaire dude on the boat. if it was in real life i think i could have argued and stayed on the boat. i really think the able bodied sailor should have been kicked off and the divorced four times would have been a better choice for her to stay.i thought the whole thing we did overall was alot of fun because the whole class got to see how everyone would act if we were really in that situation.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where to go for communtiy service?

Last year when ever I had time free I went to this place called sunrise by SHS. Sunrise is a assisted living for older people. it is alot of fun hanging with the older people and talking to them. I have alot of fun going there on my free time because it is so much fun learning about things they have experienced. Also, last year i was asigned to do 100 hours of community service by court order. So if anyone is waiting to do their community service hours starts doing them now bacause they are actually alot of fun.