Friday, October 23, 2009

I Am lIke Beavis

Beavis vs. Barbie

Every year in some class i feel that i am treated like Beavis. Sometime i ask teachers if they like some students more then other and they tell me no every students are equal. i often question that answer a lot. I see all the time that some teachers like one student more then me. i feel that some teachers give the students they like higher grades then the ones they dislike. i grew up and went to school where grades are very important but i have overcome that. i realized grades are not so important. what is important to keep in mind is wat i am actually learning and how i am applying it to the real world. Yeah grades are important but not how some people make it seem like at stevenson. a grade is just a letter. I rather be happy and not stressed out with a 2.4 gpa then always stressed out and have a higher gpa then 2.4.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I think it is impossible to stand there and do nothing. Something was always distracting me when i tried to stand there for ten min. to do nothing. i was standing in the middle of the mats at practice and it was very hard to do nothing since my coach was screaming at me the whole time. while trying to do nothing i saw some pretty interesting stuff. Everyone is born use to doing soemthing and we are so use to it that everyone can't just do nothing. i also realized that people love to just look at you if your doing nothing and they look at you like your crazy in the head and you need some serious help.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Americans are not afraid to show love or receive it. In china students who are still in school is not allowed to show affection towards each other. In school you would get in trouble if you are seen holding another guys hand. in the u.s. we all start liking one another at a very young age. It is also not a big deal to parents if their own child is dating another families in the u.s.. Until a year ago my parents were not comfortable with me dating girls at this young of age. I don't think americans are afraid to show and receive love. They develop to love each other at a very youg age.