Friday, December 18, 2009


I often tell myself to not look at people as what color they are or where they are from and i realized that even though i as trying to not do that i still often look at people by there race. It all turns out that this is how i have learned to think growing up in this society. I sometimes look at people and put them in a certain group just because of there skin color. Often this is in my unconsciousness of me. knowing that its not right to judge people by their appearance, physical body features, and the way they act, many of us still do this without knowing that we are doing it. The way we are raised in this society is what makes us have this unconsciousness racism in us. People all around us influence us from the moment we are brought into this world. For example, when black people hate the white people for being racist against them, it makes the blacks just as racist for hating on the white people. But either way its not right for both colors to hate each other just because they may have different skin colors.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

economic mobility

After playing Monoply in class today, I saw how big of a difference it could be just by what you are born into the world with. Even though it was just a game, I tried to look at it like in a real life situation. For example, for people who have money in this world. If they end up in jail, they could just easily bail themselves out like in the game where you could pay a fine. But if you were born into a lower class it probably be a lot harder for you or your family to bail yourself out. On top of that there is also court fees, paying for a lawyer, and maybe even probation fees. Just like in the game I started off being the second riches, so it wasn't to bad at all since I had a lot of extra money to spend. But for the guy who was the Iron struggled the whole game and ended even owing a lot of money to others who were also playing the game. If this was in a real life situation the man owing money could end up homeless, in jail, or maybe something even worse could happen. But I guess even if you started out with nothing by really trying hard in life you can do anything or be anything you want. I know this is true because my parents came to the United States with not a lot at all to start off with, they didn't speak any english and both of them have never gone to high school. Now they own a home and is giving me the opportunity to have a good education that they never got the chance to experience growing up.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


After watching even a little part of the movie in class, I learned and started to think how much someone will think of you just by what you have, how you act, and where you live. It is so amazing that we all grow up not really realizing we buy and want different things base on how and where we are raised. You are also put in a class just by who your friends are. One other thing that i experience from having different groups of friends is that i am treated looked at very differently when we go out in public or even at school. If i am hanging with a group of friends that dress a little less formal aka ("ghetto" or baggy clothes), people look at us like we are up to know good. but when i am with my other group of friends with dress in a nice shirt or a polo when we go out to public people don't look at us like when i am with the other group. I think that people shouldn't just judge people by what people have, how much money people got, and what other people are wearing. And everyone should care a lot less about what other people thinks and start thinking for themselves.